****Update – Thursday 13th February – Conic access now open****
The Conic Hill path from both sides is closed due to windblown trees after Storm Eowyn.  The situation is still being assessed and updates will be posted here once the extent of the damage is known and any diversions are put in place. The usual diversion for the WHW to avoid Conic Hill is down Creityhall Road and along B837 into Balmaha. Signage will be in place.
***Diversion *** The WHW has had to be rerouted at Garadhban car park down the Gartmore road and on to the low path through Garadhban before re-joining the WHW in the forest.
We will continue to update you on the progress of clearance works.
It will take time to assess and clear storm damage throughout the WHW so please be patient. We will update this post with any information recieved.
Please remember it can be unsafe to attempt to get through fallen trees as they are likely to be unstable.